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December 9-15, 2013 is National Computer Science Education Week, and the non-profit organization is using the week to promote their One Hour of Code initiative. According to, the flagship week-long celebration…
"Hour of Code" Initiative Hopes to Stir Excitement in STEM
World-renowned petroleum engineering expert, lecturer, researcher and NAE member J. J. Azar has joined the UH Cullen College of Engineering’s petroleum engineering program as a distinguished adjunct professor. Azar is the eighth…
VIDEO: World-Renowned Petroleum Engineering Expert, NAE Member Joins Cullen College Faculty
It took more than a thousand hours and a few trips back to the drawing board, but the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering’s Chem-E-Car competition team’s hard work paid off earlier this month when they clinched…
Engineering Students Claim Third Place in National Chem-E-Car Competition
Watch our video for the NSBE's "Walk for Education!" There’s one morning each year when the members of the UH chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) wake up early to pack hundreds of goody bags full of…
VIDEO: NSBE Students Hit the Pavement for the "Walk for Education"
The Engineering BOS (Beginning of Semester) Party was held last night in front of the engineering buildings. Hundreds of students attended the event and enjoyed free food, drinks, music and games. To view photos from this year's…
PHOTOS: BOS Party 2013
Cullen College of Engineering students looking for a study group don’t have to look very far. The college’s student organizations are hosting a series of study nights every Monday through Thursday all semester long. All students…
Student Organizations Invite All to Join Study Nights
Thanks to an $85,000 grant from BP, the Cullen College’s PROMES (Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies) Program now has the much-needed support to continue its many outreach and student success activities this academic year…
BP Grant Supports PROMES Program, STEP Forward Camp and Power Weekend
An article published in the Nov. 3rd issue of the Houston Chronicle taps into the expertise of Engineering Career Center senior director Vita Como for advice on how engineering grads can increase their chances of employment after…
Advice for Engineering Grads: Houston Chronicle Taps Into Engineering Career Center
NASA, the U.S. Navy, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Fluor, ConocoPhillips and the Marines all came together at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering late last month to encourage young people to study STEM fields in…
Science Extravaganza Encourages High Schoolers to Continue Education
Electrical and computer engineering (ECE) professor Fritz Claydon has been appointed director of the Honors Engineering Program at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, with ECE associate professor Len Trombetta appointed as…
ECE Professors Named Directors of Honors Engineering Program