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With two days still left until the PROMES-sponsored “Out of the Darkness” walk, students have already raised over $11,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The original fundraising goal was $10,000. This is the…
PROMES-Sponsored "Out of the Darkness" Walk Exceeds $10K Goal
The UH Cullen College of Engineering’s PROMES Program is teaming up with the Greater Houston Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) for the fifth year in a row to organize the University of Houston Out…
PROMES Sponsors Out of the Darkness Walk
The annual PROMES Awards Banquet was held last week to honor the hard work and academic achievements of the PROMES student community. Check out this year’s PROMES banquet photos here. More about the PROMES program: A service of…
Annual PROMES Award Banquet: Check Out the Photos!
As part of its ongoing effort to support entrepreneurship among its faculty and students, the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering is hosting an Intellectual Property Training Series for the second year in a row.…
Cullen College Hosts Second "Intellectual Property Training Series"
The Cullen College of Engineering faculty members have made their final decisions on this year’s overall Outstanding Junior and Senior Award recipients, and the winners are Connor Fernandez, chemical engineering junior, and Ryan…
Cullen College Names Outstanding Student Award Winners
Last November, we told you about a team of UH Cullen College of Engineering students who were chosen to take a coveted ride in NASA’s reduced gravity aircraft, known as the “Vomit Comet.” The UH “Cougarnauts” team members were…
VIDEO: UH Engineering Students Take Ride on NASA's "Vomit Comet"
MEET TEAM PRIMER…A group of mechanical engineering undergrads at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering who will be competing in the upcoming Shell Eco-marathon in Houston from April 25th to 27th. The 12-member…
VIDEO: Meet Team Primer: Cullen College Undergrads to Compete in Shell Eco-Marathon
Although the winners of the 2013 UH Cullen College of Engineering faculty awards were announced in May of last year, they were honored again last Friday at Dean Tedesco's faculty and staff meeting when each winner was handed…
PHOTOS: Dean Tedesco Honors Faculty for Excellence in Teaching, Research
You may see quite a few college students at the next Science and Engineering Fair of Houston (SEFH) on February 19th and 20th, but they won’t be competing against the middle and high school students participating in the fair.…
teachHOUSTON Students Glean Classroom Lessons at the Science and Engineering Fair of Houston
The Program for Master in Engineering Studies (PROMES) says on its website that they aim for students to “encourage each other to be leaders here at UH and in their careers beyond UH,” and PROMES alumna Nwamaka Nzeocha is a…
PROMES Alumna Gives Back With Scholarship